Adaptive Life Skills
The Adaptive Life Skills Program provides inclusive school and community instruction for students ages five to twenty-one with significant, multiple disabilities. The program emphasizes development of daily living, real life problem solving, and communication skills. The program is designed to facilitate the students’ development of maximum independence and quality of life. This program is responsible for the following services:
Specially-designed instruction based on individual student needs and the service provider’s recommended level in natural settings such as the general education and special education classrooms, playground and lunchroom for young children, and the community and job sites for older students.
Functional Behavior Analysis and Behavior Intervention Plans for students receiving services from the Adaptive Life Skills Program who require highly-structured environments and supports.
Augmentative communication services for students requiring either low- tech supported communication devices such as visual schedules, communication books, voice output devices, or high-tech computer or assistive technology devices.
Program nurses will develop specific medical protocols, participate in feeding evaluations and training of staff in following safe feeding plans and protocols, and to consult and problem solve with IEP team members concerning the medical needs of students.
Extended School Year Program for students served in the Adaptive Life Skills Program who require and based on regression / recoupment data, qualify for services beyond the regular school year to receive instruction to maintain priority goals based upon each student’s individual needs and the service provider’s recommended level.
Service Description
Cognitive Scores: SS 65 and lower
Communication Scores: SS 65 and lower
Adaptive Behavior Scores: SS 65 and lower
A student eligible for Adaptive Life Skills would need standard scores in 2 out of 3 areas listed above. For students with Autism, they would need a standard score of 65 and lower in the areas of Communication and Adaptive Behavior.
Students in Adaptive Life Skills typically display the following characteristics:
Performs several grade levels below their same age peers in most academic areas.
Lacks academic progress despite the district’s documented efforts to try a variety of curriculum based and/or research based instructional interventions including specially designed instruction.
Requires accommodations/ modifications beyond what is typical to function in educational environments.
Would educationally benefit most from specially designed instruction in the areas of communication/social skills, independent living skills, functional academics, daily living/self-care and/or vocational and community skills.
The ALS program utilizes cluster sites to maximize staffing, provide access to specialized programs like RPATS, Adult Transition Program and Medically Fragile Sites. Considerations of school environments and student community needs are taken into account.
Safe Schools Training – Child Abuse:
Identification, Intervention & Sexual Conduct
(Registration Key for Parents: dc07938a)