Career Technical Education
Career and Technical Education (CTE) is an instructional program in high schools throughout the South Coast that connect students directly to the industry as well as community college degree programs through a sequence of courses. These programs provide students important skills that are necessary to become career ready and successful in life through hands – on contextual education that focus on real – world applications. South Coast ESD manages the federal Perkins grant as part of a consortium that includes all ten school districts along the South Coast as well as Southwestern Oregon Community College in Coos Bay. The Perkins grant provides necessary funding for CTE programs through the enhancement of equipment for student use, as well as important professional development opportunities for CTE instructors to enhance their skills and maintain their programs to current industry standards.
College Academic Career Pathways:
South Coast CTE Program of Study Career Areas
Manufacturing Technology
Construction Technology
Healthcare Occupations
Business Management
Information Technology
Digital Design
Radio Broadcasting
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