Pathways to Positive Parenting

We are Pathways to Positive Parenting (PPP) and we offer parent education classes, workshops, and family engagement events throughout Coos and Curry counties. We recognize the important role that parents play in the lives of their children. We are here to partner with and support all who fill this role in a child’s life.
What We Do
We offer free parenting education classes, workshops, and family events in Coos and Curry counties. We partner with schools, early education, and other community programs to offer a variety of locations and curricula that meet the needs of families in our area. We utilize many different parenting courses focusing on infancy, the teenage years, and everything in between.
Funders and Partners
We are funded through the Oregon Parenting Education Collaborative, which includes: The Ford Family Foundation, Oregon Community Foundation, Meyer’s Memorial Trust, and the Collins Foundation. We have been able to expand our programming with funding from the Early Learning Division and the Oregon Department of Human Services. We are also funded through local organizations and partnerships.
We partner with local schools, childcare providers, community organizations, and more. If you think your organization would like to partner with us, please feel free to contact us.
Parents & Families
Parenting Educators
Childcare Providers