Special Education Support Services

Special Education Support Services provides a variety of support services to families and school districts to help children access their education. These specialties include: Augmentative Communication, Feeding Team, Nonviolent Crisis Intervention® training program (CPI), Counseling and Special Education, and Alternative Director.

SPED Support Services

Dear Parents, Families, and Community Partners,

I am pleased to serve as Program Administrator for Special Education Support Services at South Coast ESD. Our skilled staff members are committed to excellent service, and provide support to students, staff, and families in a number of areas that include:

  • Augmentative Communication

  • Feeding Team

  • Crisis Prevention Institute

  • Special Education Administrative Services

The Multi-disciplinary team actively works with students to support their needs in the areas of communication, safe feeding, and behavior management. Our trained speech pathologists, occupational therapists, registered nurses, and behavior technician work together with the staff and families to ensure they understand the needs of the students they serve. They are diligent in the design and implementation of the best practices to support the need(s) of each student.

Administrative services, support school districts with special education guidance. This includes participation in IEP development, acting as district meeting representative, and consultation for ODE and IDEA compliance.  We work with the special education staff to develop best practices and assist with online special education platforms.

If you have any questions about our program or services, please feel free to reach out to our office.

Robin Haddock


  • Augmentative and Alternative Communication. The team is comprised of a Speech Pathologist (SLP) and Speech Pathologist Assistant (SLPA) who will find and create low tech devices to train staff and students to encourage language development.

  • Feeding Team. The Feeding Team will provide feeding evaluations to ensure that the individual students are able to eat safely while in a school environment, provide necessary training to staff to feed children with special feeding needs and provide appropriate training to district staff to feed students safely. The team is comprised of a Nurse (RN), Speech Pathologist (SLP), and Occupational Therapist (OT). All three specialist work together to ensure students are able to eat safely.

  • Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI) The purpose and philosophy of the Nonviolent Crisis Intervention® training program is to provide for the best possible Care, Welfare, Safety, and Security of everyone involved in a crisis situation. Our Instructor Certification Program has a focus on prevention, our core training program equips staff with proven strategies for safely defusing anxious, hostile, or violent behavior at the earliest possible stage. It’s been setting the standard for crisis prevention and intervention training for over 35 years.

  • Special Education Director. The Special Education Director Program provides a Special Education Administrator to act on behalf of the school district to fulfill Special Education Director duties.